How Full-Time RVers and VanDwellers Get an Address and Mail

On the Road, RV Living Tips How Full-Time RVers and VanDwellers Get an Address and Mail Posted by Carolyn Higgins on January 5, 2017 When you live full time in your RV, Van or Camper and travel all over the country, ‘normal’ life things like having a state to call home, a real address, and […]
8 Signs You’re Destined to be a Full Time RVer or VanDweller

Full time RVers and VanDwellers are as diverse as any individuals you’d find in a traditional community. Some love to live in RV parks or explore National Parks. Some prefer to stealth camp in urban areas. And others, like me, are boondockers who crave the peace and solitude that only the most remote National Forest […]
Solo Woman Living in an RV – YouTube Video

Carolyns RV Life Debut Video At 48 years old, after hiking the John Muir Trail alone for 26 days, I decided I needed a change. So I bought a 23 year old Class C RV and moved in. Check out the video for the story and what the first seven months were like!
Van or RV: What should you live in?

When I decided to become a full time RVer my first consideration was what should I buy? I wanted a mobile home comfortable enough to live and work in but not so comfortable that I never wanted to go outside. My intent, after all was to spend more time in nature. Now that I’ve lived […]
5 Useless Gadgets I Bought for My New RV Life

When you get your RV the first thing you want to do is run right out and buy things for it – especially if you’re going to be living in it. It’s just like moving into a new home, you want to fix it up and make it yours. I should have known I was […]
14 Things I Learned in My First 4 Months of RV Living

Getting Started w/ RV Living, RV Living Tips 14 Things I Learned in My First 4 Months of RV Living Posted by Carolyn Higgins on August 28, 2016 This week was my 4-month anniversary living in an RV! Last week, I posted a blog about the day I left the backyard of my suburban apartment and embarked on my […]
Saying Goodbye to Life as I Know It

My Story, Philosophical Ramblings Saying Goodbye to Life as I Know It Posted by Carolyn Higgins on August 25, 2016 It was a typically warm and sunny spring day in the San Francisco East Bay when I hoisted myself into my rig with padlock key in hand and backed out of the grassy knoll I’d […]