What I See (in my New RV Life)

On the Road, Places, Stories of RV Life What I See (in my New RV Life) Posted by Carolyn Higgins on December 28, 2016 It was a cool autumn evening. The sun was lazily ambling down the western sky and the smell of wood-fires and home-cooking infused the air with familiarity and reflection. On my […]
How to Stealth Camp in a Class C RV

On the Road, RV Living Tips How to Stealth Camp in a Class C RV Posted by Carolyn Higgins on November 27, 2016 When you picture a 29’ Class C RV, “Stealth” isn’t exactly the word that comes to mind. But in my young RV Life, I was determined to be a stealth-nomad, flowing in and […]
Gone with the Wind

I’ve always been a go-with-the-flow kind of woman. I don’t sweat the small stuff. In fact, some of my best and most memorable experiences have come when my best laid plans went haywire. I’m not quite sure where that free-spirited woman went when I had RV troubles AGAIN recently, but somewhere around day seven of […]
RV Life in Enterprise and Joseph Oregon

I loved this part of northeastern Oregon! Enterprise and Joseph are just six miles apart but are quite different experiences. I first drove into Joseph from the Hells Canyon Scenic Byway and was spilled into a small town bustling with a pleasant mix of (mostly boomer-generation) tourists and old-time residents. The idyllic scenery is the […]
The Rainy Season Hits Northern Oregon – With a Vengeance!

It’s 5:30 am on Forest Road 050, five thousand feet high, deep in Umatilla National Forest, Oregon. I lay wide awake, huddled between my new fluffy quilted comforter and flannel sheets listening to the rain pelt my thin RV roof for the second night in a row. For three days it’s has been nearly constant: […]
Not Every Day is Dreamy Living in an RV

After boondocking for six weeks in the National Forests near Medford, Klamath Falls and Sisters Oregon, I decided it was time to move on. I left a perfectly good camp in Deschutes National Forest to drive 275 miles to a new location near the tiny town of Richland in northeastern Oregon. My inner Nomad was alive […]